Who we are

Boom is a cultural association located in Potenza which deals with arts and culture activities but, is especially devoted to the promotion of innovative teaching methods in the field of music. Since 2013 Boom has been encouraging the interaction between inhabitants, associations and professionals involved in this creative sector in order to share expertise and knowledge at local and regional level. Besides the top-level music classes offered, Boom has also organized workshops, master classes, cooperation projects with the aim to support the development of an artistic and cultural centre covering a wide range of activities.

Since 2015 Boom has been a Trinity Centre for Rock&Pop and Music Grades Examinations as well as for English Language assessment. Trinity College Certifications are widely recognized within the life-learning European framework (Europass4, EQF5, Ecvet6) since they certify the acquisition of the skills required to work in an international context. Trinity Certifications take inspiration from the principle of subsidiarity, a pillar of the European Political framework as a whole. Furthermore, this also contributes to make non-formal educational methods equivalent to traditional ones.